Take a moment to imagine: It’s December 29, 2025, and 2025 turned out to be your most extraordinary year yet! Everything you dreamed of and worked toward came to fruition. What does your life look like now?

Perhaps your goals in 2025 were ambitious—financial freedom, personal growth, stronger relationships, a thriving business or taking your business to the next level . Imagine hitting every milestone. You started the year with a vision, worked with focus and determination, and now you’re reaping the rewards. What specific achievements are you celebrating? Did you grow your income, launch a successful project, or make a long-desired dream a reality?

Reflect on how you feel. Are you brimming with gratitude, confidence, and pride? Do you feel more connected to your purpose and the people around you? What moments stand out as the highlights of your year—the times you laughed the hardest, felt the most accomplished, or were overcome with joy?

What does this version of you look like on December 29, 2025? How are you spending the day? Think about the habits, relationships, and mindset you cultivated to make it happen. Write it down, dream big, and let it inspire you to make every day of 2025 count.

Now let’s talk about that dream you have been putting on the back burner for years.  Imagine that you make it a priority in 2025 and it comes to fruition. How does that feel? Are you grateful? Confident? Accomplished? Satisfied?

From the time I was about six years old, I wanted to write a book. I tried on my own a few times, but it didn’t flow. For years I gave up on the dream. Then one day G-d gave me the gift  of an idea for a book. I started writing the book that very day.

And life happens, so I put my manuscript on the shelf for years at a time. Twenty years later a friend of ours published a book of his biography. I was inspired by him. I realized that I just needed to make a decision. I decided to finish writing the manuscript, then I decided on a company to self-publish my book.

Those two decisions changed my life! Now, I’ve published three of my own books and several books for other people. I’m about to launch the third book in my NAMELESS Trilogy. Have you wanted to write a book? Has that been your dream? What is holding you back? Is it lack of confidence? Is it lack of knowledge?

If this is you, please schedule a FREE 30-minute Success Strategy Session with me so you can share your ideas with me.

I have space to take on 3 clients in January. YOU could be one of those clients! 2025 could be YOUR year to write and publish your book!

Click the button to schedule a time with me, right now!

Click here!


Wishing you a very Happy New Year!