
The month of February is often called, “The Love Month”. This is because we celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February. But what if we aim for showing love every day? Grace Fox, author and speaker, said, “Our single motivation for demonstrating love is to bring...

Be Like Yeshua (Jesus)

Imagine, how dusty the disciples’ feet would be, wearing sandals and walking the hard-packed dirt pathways and roads. Now, imagine with me, Yeshua (Jesus) kneeling before His disciples and washing their dirty feet. He knew His most difficult hour was coming soon and...

Be Strong and Courageous

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6). This morning I’m reminded that the same God who led Israel and parted the seas is with...

Reflecting on what you did three years ago…

Introducing my 3-year Gratefulness at Heart Journal! This colorful journal gives you space to write one thing you are grateful for every single day for three years! Gratefulness is an effective practice to attract positivity into your life. What a great tool to...
Thrive in 2025

Thrive in 2025

Have you been in, or are currently in a season where you are just trying to survive and endure the pain? I have been there –many times, in fact! I’ve found that by asking G-d to give me His strength I can settle in and become productive in the season of discomfort....